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7. 2. 2023 - lecture by T. Jones: Monitoring and management of visitor mobility in national parks: Examples from Japan and Great Britain, FSE UJEP

We are very happy for the visit of prof. Thomas Jones from Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University in our faculty.

He lectured here on the topic of Monitoring and managing the mobility of visitors in national parks: Examples from Japan and Great Britain, discussed with Vice-Dean Lucie Povolná and representatives of other faculties. And with our team headed by Hana Brůhová Foltýnová, he visited the Tiské stěny in the PLA Labské pískovce.

Dr. Jones is a professor of environmental studies at Asia Pacific University Ritsumeikan, Kyushu, in southwestern Japan. His research topics include environmental policy, nature tourism and protected area management. Originally from Great Britain, Professor Jones has lived in Japan for many years, so he has extensive experience in both Europe and Asia. After completing his doctorate at the University of Tokyo, he worked as a consultant for a city government conducting visitor surveys in the Japanese Alps and Mount Fuji. He is also part of the Wildlife Tourism team doing research on Rabbit Island and Snow Monkeys.

Download presentation:

Thomas Jones: Monitorování a řízení mobility návštěvníků v národních parcích: Příklady z Japonska a Velké Británie


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Institute for Economic
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Faculty of Social and Economic Studies
J. E. Purkyne University in Usti nad Labem
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