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Guidelines for preparation and implementation of sustainable mobility plans for national parks and protected landscape areas

The presented methodology is dedicated to the stakeholders and institutions managing and affecting forms of transport inside or in the vicinity of national parks and protected landscape areas, bringing guidelines for the creation of sustainable mobility plans. The methodology emphasises the necessary linkages of mobility planning, especially with tourism, respecting the environmental limits and natural values, in these sensitive areas. The guidelines reflect the topical knowledge on transport planning towards sustainable mobility, modern evaluation approaches and evidence-based decision making. They are accompanied by the Atlas of measures, functioning as a stock of inspiring measures for successful implementation of sustainable mobility solutions in large nature protected areas.


Guidelines for preparation and implementation of sustainable mobility plans for national parks and protected landscape areas


MOBESA: Promotion of alternative mobility solutions in environmentally sensitive areas (no. CK01000067)

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Institute for Economic
and Environmental Policy

Faculty of Social and Economic Studies
J. E. Purkyne University in Usti nad Labem
Moskevská 54
Ústí nad Labem
400 96
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