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S@mpler: Integrated education based on sustainable urban mobility projects






TU Gdaňsk (coordinator)
TU Dresden
J. E. Purkyně University


Project duration:

09.2019 - 10.2023



The main objective of the project is to increase teaching capability on the field of sustainable urban mobility management. This effort is focused on extension of student's practical skills by implementation of practical project-based teaching method. This method is aimed to provide a compliance with a real-world challenge by inclusion of Sustainable Urban Mobility (SUMP) implementation requirements, which are regarded by European Commission as a benchmark for urban mobility planning which is widely accepted by many European cities. Another objective is to foster knowledge and skills acquisition by students. To meet this requirement a common internet teaching platform will be established. Its main application will be to provide an access to all teaching materials, guidelines and case studies developed as intellectual outputs during the projects. But this platform is reach beyond this function, providing a place to establish international project teams by students, ask questions and search for solutions with a help of users from other universities



Ing. Mgr. Hana Brůhová Foltýnová, Ph.D.
Mgr. Kristýna Rybová, Ph.D.
Ing. Lucie Svobodová
Mgr. Radomíra Jordová
Ing. Alice Vaverka Králiková



A common online learning platform that will provide access to teaching materials, methodologies and case studies, and will also provide space for students to set up international project teams, ask questions and find solutions with the help of users from other universities.

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Institute for Economic
and Environmental Policy

Faculty of Social and Economic Studies
J. E. Purkyne University in Usti nad Labem
Moskevská 54
Ústí nad Labem
400 96
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