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Mgr. Ing. mult. Luke Bojčev, DiS.

Luke Bojčev is a student in the Regulation and Behavioural Studies doctoral programme at Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem. His dissertation focuses on sustainable mobility in medium-sized towns, with a particular emphasis on the potential of Mobility as a Service (MaaS) in the town of Děčín.

He holds degrees in Management, Innovation Project Management, and Marketing Communications from several universities in the Czech Republic and abroad. He is currently working as a Smart City Manager at the Dresden Municipality, where he coordinates projects focused on sustainable development, energy efficiency, and mobility, he previously worked an Innovation Manager at East Saxony Savings Bank, where he promoted digitalisation and innovative solutions for banking sector.

Luke is actively involved in research and applied projects focused on innovative urban mobility solutions. Through his doctoral research, he explores approaches to increasing public acceptance of MaaS and its implementation in regions with lower population density. His work aims to contribute to effective strategic urban transport planning and the promotion of sustainable development in transportation infrastructure.



E-mail: luke.bojcev@ujep.cz


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Institute for Economic
and Environmental Policy

Faculty of Social and Economic Studies
J. E. Purkyne University in Usti nad Labem
Moskevská 54
Ústí nad Labem
400 96
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